In terms of Laboratories, the Program has the support mainly of Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, both in the capital and in the interior, in Altamira. Within the State, Embrapa has two experimental fields in the Transamazon, where applied research is mainly applied to plant production, especially on agroforestry systems, short cycle crops and / or for industrial purposes, whose facilities can be used for experimental research as didactic activities. In Tomé-Açu, the students have an experimental field and connections with producers, activated during the discipline of Agroecology and Agroforestry Systems. In Belém, the laboratories of Embrapa available are:


Laboratory of Agroindustry

Description: Works with analyzes of physical, chemical, physical-chemical characterization of raw materials and products of plant origin, development of agroindustrial products and processes and with sensorial analysis of food and microbiological analyzes.


Laboratory of Sustainable Systems Analysis

Description: It integrates laboratories of Soils and Remote Sensing, and acts in the quantification and qualification of the impacts of agricultural activities in the hydrographic basins; the impacts of climate change on agriculture; carbon dioxide emissions from agricultural activities; and the dynamics of land use in the Amazon.


Botany Laboratory

Description: It acts in the botanical identification (plants and wood), floristic inventories and it makes available its scientific collection (herbarium and xiloteca).


Laboratory of Entomology

Description: Research with insect pests and beneficial (pollinators and natural enemies) associated with agricultural crops and forest essences in the Eastern Amazon.


Laboratory of Phytopathology

Description: It performs clinical analysis of plant diseases via biological, serological (ELISA) and molecular tests (PCR and DNA sequencing). It carries out prospecting and analysis of bioactive compounds from plants for the control of phytopathogens, as well as the prospection and analysis of potential antagonistic microorganisms for the biological control of diseases important to the State of Pará.


Computer lab

Description: Aimed at students regularly enrolled in the PPGAA Courses. At present, it has a structure to attend the research and development of students' projects, as well as it can be requested by the teachers to apply practical classes with the use of scientific data analysis software. For the use of the laboratory the student must request his / her registration in the secretariat of the PPGAA.

Currently the Laboratory offers: 12 computers with Pentium Dual-Core / 4GB RAM Processors; 01 Scanner for document scanning; Geoprocessing Free Software - QuantumGIS; Statistical Data Analysis Software - BioEStat 5.0 and IBM SP5S SATISTICS 20; Text editing package, spreadsheets and presentations; PDF readers; Wireless Signal Network / UFPA Visitors and Institutional (CTIC) and NCADR Internal Network.

For installation of other Free Software or demos, or acquisition by the NCADR, inform the laboratory fellow responsible for the laboratory by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. informing the research needs for routing and evaluation of the Direction of the NCADR.

In order to support the Field Research activities, some pieces of equipment, such as: GPS Garmin; Digital audio recorders; Digital Photo Cameras; Compasses.


Laboratory of Forest Seeds

Description: Routine analysis to determine the quality of seeds by percentage of purity, germination, humidity and number of seeds per kilogram based on the Rules for Seed Analysis (RAS); develops research for the extraction and / or processing of fruits and seeds, conservation of germination, physiological behavior during storage, and new methods of analysis. It studies the ecological aspects that involve the process of formation of the forest seeds as the reproductive phenology; to train technical staff in the areas of selection of seedlings, collection, use and conservation of non-timber products, germination, seed storage and seedling production to support conservation and recovery projects in degraded areas; develops and executes research projects aiming at the development of methods for analysis of native forest species, conservation, health and vigor of seed lots.

The Program has a house in Embrapa that is used for meetings, dissertation defenses and classes. In the context of the Nucleus of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development of UFPA, where the PPGAA is located, it has the availability of a computer lab. In addition to the aforementioned infrastructure, teachers use other UFPA facilities, such as the Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB).