Family Amazon Agriculture

Leader: Osvaldo Ryohei Kato

Vice-Leader: Débora Veiga de Aragão


Rights and Management of Natural Resources in the Family Production of Traditional and Local Communities and Communities

Leader: Noemi Sakiara Miyasaka Porro


Diversity and Sustainability of Family Production Systems in the Amazon – DIVERSUS

Leader: Carla Giovana Souza Rocha

Vice-Leader: Soraya Abreu de Carvalho


GEDAF - Study Group on Family Agriculture Diversity

Leader: Paulo Fernando da Silva Martins

Vice-Leader: Aquiles Vasconcelos Simões


Group of Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Society and Education in the Amazon – BioSE

Leader: Flavio Bezerra Barros


Pest and Beneficial Insects of Cultivated Plants in the Eastern Amazon

Leader: Walkymário de Paulo Lemos

Vice-Leader: Márcia Motta Maués


Rural / Urban Interfaces in the Amazon

Leader: Gutemberg Armando Diniz Guerra


Community Forest Management in Sustainable Development Projects in the Amazon

Leader: Roberto Porro

Vice-Leader: Milton Kanashiro


Memory and Action of the Peasant and Patron Organizations in the Amazon

Leader: Gutemberg Armando Diniz Guerra

Vice-Leader: William Santos de Assis


Societies, Environments and Public Action

Leader: Sônia Maria Simões Barbosa Magalhães Santos


Work and Family in Rural Areas

Leader: Dalva Maria da Mota

Vice-Leader: Heribert Schmitz